November 25, 2020

Thanks for a Great First Year!

Is it possible? Have we really been publishing this blog for a year? It’s true. We published Post #1 on November 14, 2019. In some ways, the time since then has flown by. In others, it has been the longest twelve months we have ever experienced.

Despite all that has transpired in 2020, we have made the best of a horrible situation. We managed our regular program of adventures until mid-March (interrupted only by my torn hamstring), and while our behavior obviously changed from then on, we carefully moved ahead and managed to squeeze in some more adventuring, safely so far, and staying connected with all of you through Senior Ripper helped us feel together, even when apart.

Given that Thanksgiving is here, we thought it would be appropriate to briefly mention a few things that we are thankful for, as hard as it may be to focus on the positive, what with the grim numbers surrounding all of us.

First, and most importantly, we are thankful that Gail and I, our families, and with very few exceptions, our friends, have remained healthy throughout. We are particularly thankful that my dad, whom you may recall turned 100 in June, and his 101 and 91 year old brothers have remained healthy as well.

And while this is certainly not a political space, we are thankful that our four years in darkness are coming to an end, and we are hopefully entering the light.

We are thankful that the two teachers in our family have survived the disruption that is COVID, and have even thrived online, in the classroom, and on the playground.

We are in awe of the Restaurant Rippers who have found a way to feed others during the pandemic, especially those just starting out in the business, including our son. His restaurant in Kingston, NY has had a good run this fall with outdoor dining, take-out and a small market selling locally produced items. If you’re in the area, check out Lunch Nightly, and on Instagram at @lunchnightly. Their Instagram account is quite entertaining.

We are thankful for the fun and adventures we have had over the past twelve months, skiing, biking, camping, sailing, RV’ing, hiking, all while staying COVID free thus far. We hope that some of our posts have encouraged others to get outside and try something new.

And we are thankful for you, our readers. We are having a blast with Senior Ripper, and we love the feedback from all of you. We are excited about growing the blog, continuing our adventures in the year ahead, and seeing what comes next!

Happy Thanksgiving! Keep moving, stay safe, have fun.


7 thoughts on “Thanks for a Great First Year!

  1. Lisa and I are thankful for moving into the neighborhood and meeting you and Gail, friendship that will last well into our 100’s 🙂

  2. As the first family entry, I can vouch that all those you mentioned are for real. And there’s more from whence they came. Good piece to sum it up, though I’d like to see another pic of your trailer. Where’’s the Pipe? What plans for ski season and travels?

  3. Good morning Senior Rippers

    What makes my day? When I see a new post from Senior Rippers, I can’t wait to dig in. From trips over your handlebars, to exciting new adventures with your camper, to following your days on and off your skis, these posts are so much fun. This has been a bewildering year. But what I am thankful for is keeping up with the Senior Rippers. Thanks for a great year!

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