August 28, 2020

Success on Mt Evans!

Just a quick post to celebrate our successful climb of Mt. Evans last Friday.

You may recall that last week I wrote about our plan to climb Mt. Evans in Assault on Mt. Evans. At the time, I had no idea if I were up to the task. I’d never even been to 14,000 feet, let alone tried to ride a bike up to that elevation.

Well, not only did we succeed, but we had a blast. We lucked out with the weather. Little or no smoke from nearby wildfires that have been raging and sending unhealthy air into the region. At the upper reaches of the mountain, temperatures were in the 50’s and 60’s with very little wind. Perfect for riding.

Best of all, we had a great group of friends, some new, some familiar, socially distanced of course (except for the celebratory pictures at the summit!), all of whom successfully completed the ride, albeit at different paces. You can see the unmitigated joy on our faces at the top in the image in the header! Let it be known that I have gotten some grief from my partner in Ripping (Gail), our daughter and my sister about the picture at the top for not masking up and not keeping enough distance. For that, I apologize. But at least we were all facing forward and we were in the great outdoors!

We even had some friendly furry friends on our ride and at the summit.

Some might say too friendly!

It was a pleasure to finally meet in person my formerly remote friend, Old Man Gravel (aka Bob), whose idea this adventure was. I’m keeping this post short, and recommending you peruse Bob’s recap of the ride, The Pinnacle. He perfectly captures the utter joy we all felt in anticipation of, during and after the ride.

Senior Ripper and Old Man Gravel mid-descent. Views everywhere!

We can’t wait for the next adventure!


9 thoughts on “Success on Mt Evans!

    1. We rode down Pine Canyon on Wednesday. It’s not even close. Going up Pine Canyon is way harder. The hardest thing about Mt Evans is that it’s at 10,600-14,200 feet.

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