January 17, 2020

Snow Far (Part I)

This is a short post about one of our favorite weather conditions: snow.

It is, after all, a prime reason for our being in Park City. We love to ski, so we cheer the “worst” forecasts. And this ski season, so far, has been, to use an overused word, EPIC!

Our first measurable snow this season was on October 20. It was enough for us to take a short cross-country ski at one of our local parks.

Our first day on skis this season October 20, 2019

Things went dry for about a month, and then the onslaught began. Our first day at the resort was November 22, and the snow basically hasn’t stopped! Conditions have gotten better and better through this week, when we were consistently skiing in snow up to our knees and above. Paradise.

First Day at the Resort. November 22, 2019

Here’s what the mail carriers have to deal with on our street.

Neither sleet, nor snow, nor…
Let’s hope there’s never a fire!

Many of you have already seen these images, but never all in one place. Here is the famous Bistro Table progression for the season snow far (for those of you who are not familiar with the Bistro Table, these are shots of the deck off our kitchen showing the growing snow levels.

October 27, 2019
October 29, 2019
November 30, 2019
December 14, 2019
January 17, 2020 Yes, there’s a bistro table under there somewhere!

So that’s my snow report for this season so far, and we’ve barely just begun. Stay tuned!


7 thoughts on “Snow Far (Part I)

  1. You are making me “Jealous in Maine”!
    We have some snow here in Rockport, but mostly just a lot of morning single digit temperatures!

  2. We finally got our first serious dump in Iowa today. It was nice for about two hours, but now the winds come and the temperature will plummet into the negatives. We just went into blizzard warning. Whiteout conditions. In other words, Perfect Winter. Have fun on the slopes!

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