December 22, 2021

Seasons Change!

I love seasons. Doesn’t much matter which one. I get just as excited about the change from cold to warm as I do about warm to cold. Each season has its own attributes (and liabilities), and they each seem to last just about the right amount of time before the next one begins. Sometimes the transition takes longer than it should, and sometimes it comes too quickly.

This year, finally, winter has arrived. It was too long a wait for us. After all, we live to ski.

October started off in a promising manner. An early storm turned everything optimistically white.

But then November hit. Temperatures back in the 60’s. Dry as a bone. Back to cycling, hiking, camping and outdoor music.

Then, finally, in late November, a glimmer of hope. Enough snow to actually have to clear the driveway! And a bit of skinning at Alta before the resorts opened.

Slowly but surely, the snowpack grew, and it actually started to look like winter.

And the skiing started in earnest. We’re not talking epic, but it’s a start, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. And what could be epic snow expected starting tonight, all the way through New Year’s Day. It’s looking like it will be a very white Christmas.

Here’s to hoping that we still have snow and real winter as climate change progresses. More about that in future posts.

Enjoy the winter. And keep moving, stay safe, have fun!


4 thoughts on “Seasons Change!

  1. Looking good! Snow in Utah is prettier than snow in Iowa…or anywhere else I’ve ever seen it for that matter. Love seeing you all outside soaking in the Vitamin D and embracing the season. As the Scandinavians say, there’s no such thing as bad weather provided you choose to wear the right clothes! Happy Holidays from the Heartland.

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