February 26, 2021

Our Love Affair with Buck Hill Falls

In March of 1992, Gail “dragged” me, kicking and screaming, to look at a community in the Poconos called Buck Hill Falls. When some friends suggested we consider renting there for the summer, my response was, “I’ve been to the Poconos and I’m not going back”.

Well, Gail prevailed, and we made the 2 hour drive from Brooklyn on a cold, rainy Sunday in March. We left I-80 near Stroudsburg, and drove through the Poconos I remembered. A little run down and dirty, a lot tacky. I kept complaining that it was a waste of time; that is until we drove under a stone bridge at the entrance of the community, and I felt like Dorothy when her house landed in Oz and everything turned from black and white to color.

By the time we arrived at the cottage we wound up renting for the summer, not more than two minutes later, I was hooked. We spent 6 rainy weeks (me, mostly weekends) there, and when our lease was up, I didn’t want to leave. Two and a half months later, we found the cottage we would buy and keep for almost 28 years, where our kids and Gail spent their summer vacations, and where Gail and I spent virtually every weekend while we were living in Brooklyn.

Where we made 28 years of great friends.

We spent this past Christmas week in our little cottage in the woods, with our kids and their significant others (and their dogs), a little sad and a lot thankful.

In November, we decided to sell the cottage. We were spending very little time there; typically not more than 2 weeks each year, and the cost, time and care of maintaining a 118 year old house made no sense. We knew that in our heads. But emotionally, we were not even close to accepting that.

Buck Hill is a magical place. Founded in 1901 by a group of Philadelphia Quakers, it is filled with history, tradition, beauty, friendship and warmth. I could go on and on about its history, culture and flavor, but someone has already done a great job here. I commend you to it.

What do we love about Buck Hill? To name a few, in no particular order:

Convenience. Two hour drives from NYC and Philly.

Simplicity. While there are magnificent homes in the community, there are also simple, small, unpretentious and affordable cottages.

The beauty. Nature everywhere you look. Falls, forests, fields.

The fun. A Donald Ross golf course, ten of the most beautiful tennis courts I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen quite a few), where Bill Tilden once played for the Buck Hill Tennis Team, hiking trails, lawn bowling, swimming in a pool that was once the largest in America and fishing.

The culture. The Foxhowe Association, founded in 1924, brings speakers, authors, musicians, artists and many more to educate and stimulate cottagers of all ages. The Buck Hill Art Association, in addition to having its own impressive collection, fosters the love and appreciation of art in the community.

The spirit of the community. For 119 years, the residents have banded together whenever the need has arisen to support each other and others.

Families. Buck HIll is all about families. Kids are welcome everywhere, and we all watch out for them, rejoice in their successes, and are saddened by their losses.

The generosity. From The Conservation Foundation, to Community Services, to Quaker meetings and the Pocono Mountain Music Festival, Buck HIllers have, throughout the community’s entire history, stepped up to help. It is a tradition we are all very proud of.

But most of all, and what we will miss far more than any of its other wonderful attributes, friends. Even though we never made Buck Hill our full time home, the friends we have made there are among our closest, longest lasting, most meaningful friendships we have. People come and go from Buck Hill, but once a Buck Hiller, you have friends for life, no matter where you go. That alone will, hopefully, get me through the sadness of selling our little cottage in the woods. I know my friends will always be there, as we will be for them and their children.

So, if you ever get the chance, don’t miss an opportunity to visit Buck Hill Falls. It’s special.


18 thoughts on “Our Love Affair with Buck Hill Falls

  1. We will miss you, the Roses! You made us feel welcome when we first started out as renters. We look forward to many happy returns (by you to us.)

  2. So beautifully said! People like you are what makes us love Buck Hill so much! We will miss you but know you will be back to visit and look forward to seeing you then!!

  3. Thank you for such a beautiful tribute to the place we’ve called home for 14 years. We also sold our cottage this year to move closer to our children. We were so sad to leave BHF but will definitely be back for many future visits.

  4. This is so fabulous! What a wonderful tribute to the community and your time here. I hope you will be back often to visit. ❤❤❤

  5. Wonderful story and well told. Thanks for sharing. Be well stay safe and keep spreading your love. It seems to come back to you in very sweet teems

  6. One of your greatest legacies and achievements – discovering it and making it part of your DNA. Some of your relatives like us got to do a Tapas version of a Buck Hill Stay. It’s where I experienced the insanity of snowboarding for the first time. My kids loved it. I recall something about my first custom bike? It was the family experiences that brought greatest joys. Didn’t realize the strong Quaker roots. You’ll take much of it to your next destination.

  7. Gail and Larry – very well done. And while never an owner in BH, Debbie and I have many a similar fond memory of all the BH has to offer to it’s members and guests.. Good luck out West, and all the best to the Rose family, Debbie & Carlo

  8. May have to rededicate “The Tournament of The Roses”, what are Y’All doing this Labor Day? :o)

    Another wonderful entry on the Ripper mantel, you will be missed Gail, and you too Larry! ❤❤

  9. Wow!!! Roses!!! We are the Hubacher’s and we bought 116 Rabbit Run from you!!! We hope to make years of memories and make you proud! Please know you are always welcome to come and stay at this magical cottage!!! Thank you!!! Heather & Michael xxxx

  10. Thank you for sharing this beautiful place with us too. Our family created so many fond memories in your magical cottage. Love from all of us ❤

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