November 13, 2020

Not the Retiring Type…Yet

Since we last posted, it looks like we’ll have a new president. What better tine to talk about new beginnings.

I’m Medicare minus 3 months. I could probably do an entire post on that process, but I won’t. Instead, coming of Medicare age brings to mind retirement. To me, they should go hand-in-hand, but that remains to be seen.

There was talk of my retiring last January 1. I moved my law practice to a larger firm in August of 2019, with the intent of ultimately having them take over my practice. When, I do not know, but it’s getting closer.

Surprise (premature) Retirement Party in Buck Hill Falls, January 1, 2020

What does retirement mean to me? Again, that remains to be seen, but as the title says, I’m not the retiring type. Frankly, I’ve already begun the transition. I am working less on client matters, thanks to the new firm, and I have more time to pursue my passions, many of which our readers know about. One is this blog; we are having a blast with it, and it’s spurring us to pursue adventures that we might not otherwise pursue. So far, so good.

But can it be all fun and games? Well, maybe, but probably not. And as I get closer and closer to truly pulling the plug, I am spending more time wondering what will be next. I have lots of ideas, including continuing to develop Senior Ripper, but stay tuned!

I spend time researching retirement, and how others went about planning and executing what will come next. As you know from some of my earlier posts, there is a lot of longevity in my family, so hopefully, we’re talking about a lot of years to fill!

Dad, still going strong at 100+

One of the missions of Senior Ripper is to provide inspiration and guidance to others to stay active, vital and adventurous as we ripen. We hope we have accomplished some of that in a small way.

For those of you who are in the throes of pre-retirement, or thinking about it, I commend to you a blog written by a woman who helped us in the early stages of creating Senior Ripper, Laura Galbato, the creator of North of 52. Laura writes about what she calls “Rewirement”, an apt alternative moniker for what most people call retirement. One of her recent posts, What’s Your Second Act? How to Discover Your Passion and Encore, is a great checklist for those just starting the journey. I don’t know about you, but I had no idea where to start the process. Laura’s blog helps me focus on the issues. She doesn’t pretend to provide the answers; each person has to come up with his or her own. But it’s a great roadmap.

Laura Galbato

Next week is the one-year anniversary of our first post. Thank you all for helping to grow Senior Ripper. Gail and I are putting together an anniversary post, and we look forward to a better second year for all!

Until then, keep moving, stay safe, have fun.


7 thoughts on “Not the Retiring Type…Yet

  1. Nice post and thanks for 1 year (almost) of encouragement! I’m liking the idea of “rewirement”, thanks for sharing.

  2. Only one year!? Given your body of senior ripper work is seems like longer. Congrats! Also appreciate the referral to Laura’s North of 52 blog. As with your other readers, it’s timely for me as well.

  3. My late mother-in-law, Nancy Nulty, was always “re-inventing” herself (as I would call it). she had an endless amount of hobbies and activities that were always changing. She would say, “What’s your Passion, Dave? You have to have a passion!”. That may be one of the greatest gifts she gave me, and I will always to aspire to that ideal.

    1. Thanks, Dave, for some reason I hadn’t been notified of your comment, and just saw it this morning. Great story. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mary and the family. We miss you guys.

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