February 28, 2021

KPCW and Friends of Ski Mountain Mining History

The Senior Rippers are sponsoring a KPCW Pledge Hour This Tuesday

Our fellow ripper, Don Roll, was seeking a sponsor for Friends of Ski Mountain Mining History’s Pledge Hour at our local community radio station and asked the Senior Rippers if they could help sponsor their hour.  Thanks to donations by Bill & Pat Harris, Don & Kathy Roll, Don & Anne Keyser and Gail and me, we will be sponsoring their hour this Tuesday, March 2, at 4 PM MST.

KPCW’s Mission is to serve Summit and Wasatch Counties with local news, information, entertainment and emergency alerts through its broadcast signal and digital media platforms, including KPCW.org.  The station is also committed to provide its communication abilities to help other non-profit organizations in our community succeed.

Friends of Ski Mountain Mining History are committed to preserving our rich mining legacy. More than 300 mines once operated in Park City, with the last silver mine closing in 1982. Twenty historic mine structures still exist today, many of which can be seen while skiing, hiking or mountain biking on our mountain trails. Due to the ravages of time and our harsh winters, many of the mine structures are dilapidated and in immediate need of repair. We are committed to preserving them for future residents and visitors before we lose these historic structures forever.

You can help by making a phone call or online donation during the FOSMMH hour this Tuesday.  Or you can donate now using the Online Form and putting FOSMMH Pledge Hour in the Comment box.  

Gail and I, and the rest of our fellow Rippers, thank you for your support of these two great non-profits.


1 thought on “KPCW and Friends of Ski Mountain Mining History

  1. When I used to hike 14ers in Colorado’s Sawatach and Mosquito ranges I was fascinated by structures similart to these. It was amazing to me the elevations that were mined. I’m glad there’s an effort to save them in and around Park City.

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