It was indeed a bucket list trip. Skiing in Japan, with friends and guides. Expectations were high. Did it live up? It took a while for the powder to appear, but in the end, it was fantastic. Read on.
We flew through Tokyo and on to Sapporo, on the northern island of Hokkaido, which is where much of the skiing in Japan is located. Hokkaido broke a 64 year record for most snow in December, but sadly, it stopped snowing on January 6 and didn’t start again until January 29, just in time for our last three days of skiing. There was plenty of snow, but none of it fresh powder until those last three days, and then…well, it was the definition of “epic”.

As a result of the lack of “new” snow, we spent time hunting for good quality “old” snow, which meant a lot of skinning/hiking with skis to remote spots. Much of the first five days was spent on volcanoes, some dormant, some not! Our guides, Markus and Todd, made game-day decisions each morning about how to reach the best snow, and they were brilliant, encouraging, fun and safe. One of the couples in our group had skied with Markus before, so he came highly recommended. Markus’ partner, Inka, owns Parom Camps, which organizes trips and camps for “young-minded and active enthusiasts”. Sounds perfect for Senior Rippers, eh?

And then the snow started, and just kept coming.

But while most of the trip was about the skiing, not all of it was. There were also:

And of course, food!

And my new favorite snack, Onigiri. I kept one in my jacket pocket while skiing for a quick and easy boost.

And of course, sushi; lots of sushi.

But most of all, it was about good friends, senior rippers all, enjoying two glorious weeks together in a magical place.

Keep moving, stay safe, have fun.

Many thanks to Cub Reporter Gail, Anne, Don, Kathy, Don, Kevin, Jesse and Markus and Todd for a great trip and for contributing many of these wonderful photos.
Stay tuned for Part II, where we provide tips and tricks for planning and enjoying a Japow trip of your own.
I’d love to go, but I can’t use chopsticks.
“The Japanese, they’ve seen the fork”. (modified Jerry Seinfeld joke).
Looks epic. Glad you had a good time!
A fantastic adventure! Thanks for sharing.
Bucket list indeed! This is a terrific chronicle Larry.
Looks amazing ! Why couldn’t you wait until I retired😡
Great senior ripper post
Very nice summary. We’re glad we could be part of this wonderful group!
The picture of you and Gail with the Volcano in the background. The Goggles Photo too. And the volcanoes with smoke as you were skiing! Gorgeous Trip of a lifetime! The onsen, the sushi, the Onigiri. – YES PLEASE! May I be successful enough to replicate such a trip… and fly Delta One as well (inside joke!) :)))))) Yay Gail & Larry!