February 21, 2020

I Hate Spinning, But…

Let me qualify that title by saying I’ve only been to one spin class…ever.

My conclusion after that one experience was that it may not be the right activity for me.

For the few of you who aren’t familiar with the term, spinning is a form of indoor cycling, on a specially designed stationary bike, typically in a group class with an instructor who faces the class and offers encouragement (badgering?), often accompanied by loud, pulsating music, and sometimes visuals projected on a screen. The term “spinning” is actually a trademarked term, the rights to which are owned by a company called Mad Dogg Athletics that tried to enforce its rights against other clubs who marketed their indoor cycling classes as “spin” classes.

photo by TopFitness Magazine

Enough history.

Since my recent injury (see Senior Ripper…Ripped), my physical activities have been limited to physical therapy, 3 times weekly, and working with a trainer, twice a week. I am restricted in what I can do. I haven’t been ready for strength or stretching of the hamstring, so most of my work is focused on upper body and core. That’s fun, and I love my trainers and PT’s, and I feel great after each session, but, really, there must be more to life than that!

At least the view is great!

Last week, I got the green light to get back on a bike. Mind you, it’s just a stationary bike, and I’m riding with virtually no resistance, but man, does it feel good. I have been riding between 10 and 15 minutes before each PT and training session, which is way short of the time it takes to get really bored, but I’m ready to take it to the next level.

So I set up my road bike on my home trainer.

But let’s take a quick step back. Why do I hate spinning?

I’m not a fan of being yelled at. I realize the instructor’s goal is to motivate me, but it doesn’t work for me. And I’m also not crazy about the loud, pulsating music that many instructors use. And finally, in my class, there was no air circulation in the room where the class was being held. It was cool, but no air. A bad combination.

One of my instructor’s motivating techniques was to have us imagine we were riding popular routes here in Park City. One of my favorite climbing rides is up to the top of Guardsman Pass, above Deer Valley Resort (see header image). A wicked, but beautiful, climb of a ride, with a great downhill reward from the top. As I’m sweating and straining to the screeches of the instructor telling us where we were on the climb, I thought to myself, why am I suffering inside, imagining this beautiful place, when I could be out there actually riding it! I realize there are times of year when that’s not possible, especially in the mountains of Utah, but (a) winter will end at some point, and (b) there are plenty of alternatives to spinning.

But, since I had already decided that 2020 would be the year of the gravel ride, I better get cracking, and start to get into biking shape. So, each day, at some point, I’m climbing on a bike, either at the gym, or on my own road bike on a trainer at home. It’s still boring, but I entertain myself by watching YouTube, listening to podcasts, watching movies or TV shows, or, occasionally, riding to one of the indoor training programs such as Zwift or Rouvy. They are my last choices. I don’t want to virtually race. I just want to ride, and if I can’t ride outdoors, then being on my bike in the comfort of my own home, distracting myself with videos or podcasts, seems to be the next best thing.

Third time on the bike today!

I must say, however, the graphics on Zwift are pretty cool.

That’s me in the orange jersey (or so they say).

I did a search online for the words, “I hate spinning”, and several articles came up! I guess I’m not alone! Here’s a good one: “Why I Hate Spin

I have lots of friends who swear by spin classes, and there are clearly benefits to be gained. But for me, I don’t think I’ll ever go back!


3 thoughts on “I Hate Spinning, But…

  1. Hi Larry, Glad to hear that your recovery continues. I chuckled when you said that you don’t like being yelled at, mostly because I feel the same way…never mind that I spend a lot of time yelling at myself on the hills. As for spinning, my take is that it is a package designed for mass consumption. It becomes what the instructor wants it to be and too many of them want it to be painful. No pain, no gain keeps a lot of people sedentary. I’d rather be free and outside and moving. Speaking of which, spring’s not hear yet but it’s getting closer by the day. Hopefully we’re done with the below zero stuff in Iowa. Another winter of cycling outside is in the books. Here’s hoping your recovery continues apace!

  2. +1 re spin classes–definitely not for me. I tend to watch sports when riding indoors. My top choices are are soccer/football, biathlon and cyclocross (though the FloBikes commentary can be painful). Behind those would be track cycling and speed skating. Watching movies or anything like that makes me nuts–no idea why. All of my workouts are structured and <90m. With all this stuff, I'm sufficiently cognitively engaged not to get bored or annoyed. Also agree with prior comment re rollers, especially for leg speed and learning to hold a really, really straight line. Good luck with recovery my friend!

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