November 29, 2019

Ripper Roots

By sheer coincidence, we share the same hometown, Marblehead, Massachusetts. A beautiful town with a long history, Marblehead is also sporty. Best known as the birthplace of the American Navy, Marblehead Harbor is unique in its ability to shelter over two thousand boats of all sizes and shapes. Less known is its high school football team. A long-standing Thanksgiving tradition is attending the game between Marblehead and their archrival, Swampscott. The Magicians didn’t have much magic when we were young but have since dominated the rivalry. Racquet sports were our passion and Marblehead continues to offer residents not only tennis, paddle and now pickleball but also badminton. The Gut ‘n…

November 21, 2019

The Story Behind a Logo That Was Not to Be

As one may already know, finding a symbol that truly represents a company, a product, or a place is a difficult task. The Senior Ripper logo was no exception. There were several iterations and quite a few friends weighed in on the final selection. Sadly, my pick for a logo was dismissed as being too old fashioned. The one chosen, with my endorsement, is sharp and resembles the view from our home in Park City, Utah. Call me nostalgic, but I feel the need to share the reason behind my preference for the other logo. Simply put, it harkens back to the writing on the fleet of bakery delivery trucks…

November 14, 2019

A Year of Living Dangerously (everything is relative)

  Welcome to the long-awaited (by a few) inaugural post of Senior Ripper. My wife, Gail, and I have been planning and plotting this blog for well over a year. Our friends and family have been waiting so long for it to launch, that many have given up hope that it would ever go live. For the genesis of the name, please click over to our About page. Finally, here it is! Our vision is, as young 60-somethings, to share our adventures and encourage others our age (and younger and older) to continue pushing themselves, and exploring, and engaging in activities that are generally not associated with people our age….