November 2, 2020

Breathe in, Breathe Out

Change is a coming. I can feel the desire for kindness all around me and I hope that you do too. Election Day is tomorrow, my vote is in, and I just signed the Democracy Declaration, endorsing democracy as a means of giving voice to each one of us. You can join the thousands of educators who have signed it at the link above. Then my recommendation is to make some comfort food and curl up to watch democracy in action tomorrow. We’re smoking a turkey breast!

Regardless of the outcome, my Senior Ripper instinct tells me that people are ready for action, even with Covid restrictions. Just like Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, “There is no place like home.” I was pleased to see my local library champion a movement that has charmed me from the start, Little Libraries, the world’s largest book-sharing movement. I hope you have one in your neighborhood. If you don’t, think about putting one in front of your home. Each one has its own personality both on the outside and of course, from the books inside.

With so many libraries closed, these little gems are more important than ever. Just this morning, I was inspired when reading the NY Times, Neediest Cases Fund Column from yesterday, which featured a Junior Ripper from Makoti, North Dakota. She installed a little free library in her town and distributed books to her neighbors after the lockdown, May Day style – a doorbell signaled a bundle of books waiting on the doorstep. What a treat for those who might be unable to go to their local library!

Back to my own library in Park City, which is housed in the former high school and serves as a community hub. The library was remodeled several years ago to accommodate community groups’ needs to meet and those working virtually with beautiful and comfortable small spaces. Of course, many of the library’s services are on hold right now, but I was relieved to see that the place was hopping when I visited last to pick up some books on reserve. There was a circle of knitters sitting six feet apart in the sun on the terrace and the coffee shop Lucky Ones, which trains adults with disabilities to be baristas, was busy selling beverages.

My stack of books was waiting for me, all titles that were listed on the Little Free Library’s Action Book Club’s book list that focused on being kind to your neighbors. There were books for all age readers. I was glad to see a favorite, A Man Called Ove, on the list both as a book and movie suggestion*. If you don’t know it, read it or see the movie, as it will lift your spirits and give you hope in this time of change!

*these links are each afflilate links; Amazon pays us a portion of every purchase made through these links.


3 thoughts on “Breathe in, Breathe Out

  1. We have little libraries all over in central Iowa. There’s even one on the Raccoon River Valley Trail about 10 miles south of Jefferson. They’re delightful.

  2. Loved this post, Gail, and yes “BREATHE IN, BREATHE OUT!”

    Stay well, and take good care of yourselves.

    Warm regards,
    Pat Harris

  3. Senior Ripper

    These little libraries pop up in the most surprising places. The one I most remember was on a side street/trail in North Carolina. Just a little blue grey box filled with current titles and well used books. Such a neat idea.


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